Should I remove my Dental Silver fillings that have Mercury?

dental assistant with teeth model and patient

The European Union adopted a ban on dental amalgams fillings this year. Its goal was to eliminate intentional uses of Mercury in Europe*.

What are Mercury fillings? Dental Amalgam fillings, commonly known as silver fillings have been used in Dentistry since the 19th century. More than 100 millions Americans have mercury fillings, but they're being used less and being replaced with resin white composites that do not contain Mercury.

Are the amalgams fillings in your mouth harmful? The American Dental Association's statement included "To date, there has been no properly designed scientific study demonstrating that this material causes any long term health effects or disease" *.

Should you have them removed? The short answer is no*. If you have a broken tooth with a previous silver filling material or decay, it will be removed and can be replaced with a tooth colored Resin Composite.

*Juston R Silverman NYT Sept 2024

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